Leaving a lasting gift to your church. The Diocese has made a new leaflet available to all 227 parishes to assist people who may want to consider leaving a legacy to the Church. link
Deanery Vocation Group. This group meets on a monthly basis to encourage vocations. They would be happy to welcome to their meetings anyone interested in vocations and wondering what they can do (apart from praying). Lifts can be arranged. Contact Shirley Bell (401117).
Parish Census and Data Protection Act. In order to comply with this Act we need to state that the purpose of asking you to complete a form is to update the parish register and also to enable us to contact you directly. If you have not completed a form there are blank forms at the back of the church.
Modern Works of Mercy. Say to somebody: “You belong”;”I am listening to you”; “I say nice things about you”; “ I’ll go along with you”; “I‘ll share with you”; “I’ll visit you”; I’ll pray for you”. (Pope Francis)
The Art of Dying Well See www.artofdyingwell.org A new website offering a helping hand to those grappling with issues surrounding death and dying. Based on Catholic tradition but open to all, it features real-life stories about dealing with the journey through death to eternal life.
Prayers on the Move comes Birmingham. Wouldn’t it be great if commuters on public transport in Birmingham could look up at the advertising posters and see beautiful, calming prayers on their journeys to work? Could you donate just £9.21, the cost of one bus ad, poster to see this become a reality? Visit prayersonthemove.comto see the video and support the campaign.